Our approach towards #solving life's problems is undergoing a

Establish a connection with individuals who have firsthand experience in a situation similar to yours.

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We are here to

Help you  Listen Communication is Must

We are available 24/7*

Our approach towards #solving life's problems is undergoing a

Transformation Equitable societies Self confidence

Establish a connection with individuals who have firsthand experience in a situation similar to yours.

Better Learning. Better Results

Online education platform for all

Accusamus et iusidio dignissimos ducimus blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores etmquasa molestias epturi sint occaecati cupiditate non providente mikume.

Explore more about us
Founder & CEO
Allen wake

What Bonanza Touch is good for

Glean wisdom from the experiences of others.

Engage in conversation with ‘peers,’ who possess firsthand experience in confronting the same challenge as you.

Genuine dialogues with extraordinary individuals.

All interactions take place through video. We authenticate all ‘peers’ who have embarked on inspiring journeys.

Confidential exchanges

At Bonanza Touch, all conversations are safeguarded by our privacy protocols to ensure complete confidentiality.

Initiate a Peer Conversation

Become a part of one of our specialized Groups.

Better People. Better Results

Why Bonanza Touch

We are a dedicated team committed to improving emotional well-being. Throughout human history, individuals have grappled with mistakes and challenging questions, experiences that have been shared by those who came before us and will continue to be faced by future generations.

Recognizing the need to break this cycle, we believe in leveraging collective wisdom and building upon each other’s insights. Our approach at Bonanza Touch centers around tapping into firsthand experiences as a valuable source of expertise. Thus, we established Bonanza Touch as a platform for effective discovery and connection among individuals who find themselves in similar circumstances, empowering us to learn from one another’s personal journeys.

Stats that explain everything about #Our success

See how it works
Courses available for verified and top tutors


Courses available for verified and top tutors

Total tuition job posted on the platform till date


Total tuition job posted on the platform till date

User daily average time spent on the platform

20+ Hours

User daily average time spent on the platform


Our featured instructors

Highly qualified professionals

Accusamus et iusidio dignissimos ducimus blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores etmquasa molestias epturi sint occaecati cupiditate non providente mikume.

Our Featured Peer’s

Highly Qualified Professional

A conversation with the right person can change your life

Best In Touch Group Offers

Trauma and PTSD Support Group

An inclusive and nurturing environment where those who have personally endured trauma find solace, uniting their efforts towards a shared journey of collective restoration.

Let’s make a quick start today

Let’s make a quick start today

Our top visited categories

Accusamus et iusidio dignissimos ducimus blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores etmquasa molestias epturi sint occaecati cupiditate non providente mikume.

Our Featured Peer’s

Highly Qualified Professional

A conversation with the right person can change your life