Talk to a Peer with lived-experience of something similar

  • 1-on-1 video conversations
  • Discover new perspectives
  • Share and find support

How it Works?


Select a peer

Go to the  category relevant to you and browse Peers in the category. Select one with a journey most relevant to yours. 


Book a slot

Click ‘Schedule your time’ on the Peer’s profile and then use the Peer’s calendar to book a slot that is convenient to you.


Join the conversation

Once booked, you will receive a video link in email/on whatsapp for the selected time slot with your Peer.

Peer conversations can be super impactful

It gave me confidence about my thought process. I could relate to whatever was being spoken to me. She was very patient and gave me enough space to talk about the things that I wanted to talk about.

Amin Qureshi

Very easy to use and approachable vibe. Conversation was very natural and honest. Felt lighter as if talked heart-to-heart with a friend, without any judgement.

Anirudh K.

I felt as if I was talking to my alter ego. She totally related to my experiences and gave me some helpful tips. I would like to talk to her again.


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felt supported after a session
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found a brand new perspective
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Talking to a peer can be useful in multiple ways. Since Peers are people who have gone through the same challenge as you – they are able to understand where you are coming from. Hence conversations are not only non-judgemental but also very constructive because you get to express, share notes, hear different perspectives and effectively ‘brainstorm’ approaches with them.

You can discuss anything. It could be relationships, health issues, parenting, work, family issues etc. – whatever is bothering you. However, you need to stick to the topic of conversation mentioned in your Booking form.

No. Peers are not counsellors or therapists. However, their expertise and understanding comes from the firsthand experience of a specific situation or challenge. Additionally all Peers on SoulUp are carefully curated by the team and also undergo periodic trainings to have Peer conversions more effectively.

1-on-1 Conversations are on video and typically 45 minutes long. There is no specific structure and we want you to speak about whatever is on your mind as long as you stick to the topic mentioned in your booking form.

We encourage that conversations remain organic and take their natural course. No prior preparation is needed!