Groups on Parenting / Family

Groups on an entire range of topics related to parenting, family, caregiving and elders.

Therapist led | 4-8 sessions | Done in small groups

Caregiving Support Group

Caring for a loved one can be an overwhelming and isolating endeavor. You don’t have to go through it alone.

Is Adoption For Me?

A closed group to help explore whether adopting a child is a choice you want to make in your life.

Difficult In-Laws

Group to understand and learn how to manage the relationship and set boundaries with difficult in-laws.

Family Dynamics

You're not the only one struggling—everyone's family has its demons. Come join a support group where we can bear our souls and help each other make sense of the chaos.

Embracing Aging: Group for Seniors

Conversations related to aging such as finding joy and meaning in life, maintaining independence and social connections, managing health and financial issues, and managing emotions and mental health.


At Bonanza Touch, you’ll meet people who get what you’re going through and might be living some of the same realities. People looking for extraordinary conversations, just like you.

✔️ Small group, 6-8 people

✔️ Every meeting led by a world-class facilitator

✔️ Weekly 75-minute online video sessions

While the format can vary as per topic, here’s a flow that most sessions follow

Check In. Participants check-in with each others’ feelings and answer the prompt given by the facilitator if any.

Conversation. Your facilitator will guide the group in a free-flowing conversation—with the goal of sharing openly, talking honestly, and deep emotional connection.

Check Out. Participants share what they’re taking away from the session.

Participants say that they feel heard, understood, more in control, and a feeling that you’ve got people rooting for you. By talking about your emotions and what’s going on in your life, you’ll realise that you’re not alone and get ideas for how to improve your situation.