
Our network of Peers comprises individuals who have faced challenging relationships, heartbreak, marital problems, and have emerged stronger as a result of these experiences.

If you find it difficult to choose the most suitable Peer for your specific needs, you can always inform us about the topic you would like to discuss, and we will provide you with a personalized recommendation.

Neha Sharma

I am extrovert toexpore and travel

Apoorva Arora

A life coach specialising in Mental wellness with a passion for helping individuals unlock their full potential and achieve lasting personal growth.

Bipana Ale Magar

I have gone through several challenges including coming to terms with my sexuality, family mental health episodes & my own ADHD.

Nikhil Rajput

In 2020, my partner of 4 years broke up with me. Considering that I believed that my partner was the one for me, my best friend, and someone I wished to marry, it destroyed me.

How Peer Conversations help.

Gain insights from a Peer

Engaging with a Peer who has walked a similar path allows you to glean wisdom from their firsthand experiences. Immerse yourself in an enriching session of “emotional brainstorming”!

Affirm your emotions

Conversing with a Peer will demonstrate that you are not alone in your journey. It presents a wonderful chance to validate and acknowledge your own experiences.

Affirm your emotions

Conversing with a Peer will demonstrate that you are not alone in your journey. It presents a wonderful chance to validate and acknowledge your own experiences.